This page needs JavaScript activated to work. Tea Estate With Bungalow For Sale In Matale

Tea Estate With Bungalow For Sale In Matale 396

No 145, Wattegama Road, Elkaduwa , Matale

85 Million LKR - Total Value NEG


Land Type
: Estate
Land Area
: 12 Acres
Current Status
: Available Now
Reference Number
: #CP/SE /LA /50972


Elkaduwa - Wattegama Road
Property Is Known as Merrig Estate
07 acres of tea
05 Acres Conserved for Bio Tea Planting
Bungalow with 5 Rooms and 1 Driver Room (2 attached bathrooms, 1 common bathroom)
Property is currently used for tourism industry. Known as Sembuwatta Reach Homestay for 10+ years.
04 Labor Houses
Natural Water spring Available (Certified For Bottling Water)
Electricity Available
26 km to Kandy
23 km to Matale

Property Features


Electric Power

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Name : Dhammika Suraweera Property Owner / Individual (Owner)
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Posted / edited: 7 months ago

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